Blog | Facing Cancer Together

Facing Cancer Together offers a safe, confidential place to share your thoughts with a community you can relate to.

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Archive – February 2017

The unexpected Part Two: Low counts and a relapse

I felt a wave of heat come over me and began to tear at the eyes, then I whispered, “Daddy? I think I relapsed.”

March 29, 2017 | by Adriana Lombardo

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The unexpected Part One: Low counts and a cancelled hip replacement

After drawing my blood and getting the results, a doctor who works alongside my primary doctor, came to sit down and talk to my mom and I. He explained that with my neutrophils being too low it would be risky going into surgery and that my chances for infection would dramatically increase.

March 28, 2017 | by Adriana Lombardo

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Cook for Your LIFE: From fashion design to cooking for cancer

If you’d told me ten years ago I’d be a leader in the world of culinary medical initiatives, collaborating on programs with Columbia University, backed by data and studies funded by the National Institute of Health, I would have asked you what you were smoking. And yet, that is what happened.

March 23, 2017 | by Cook for Your LIFE

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Stronger than stigma: Breast cancer and my mental health

How could I be so young and have cancer? How will I be strong enough to cope with this disease? Will it affect my mental health? Will I be able to continue school? In the blink of an eye, my whole life changed and I feared that it would never be the same

March 17, 2017 | by Lindsey Finkelstein

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Life after cancer: What became reality to me

I am an Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (A.L.L.) survivor. I was diagnosed on December 1, 2014 and had my last chemo January 27, 2017. During those two full years of treatment - once a week, might I add - I kept searching for that light. I wanted to know that it would soon be over and that I could “move on.”

March 16, 2017 | by Adriana Lombardo

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The reality of life and death after a leukemia diagnosis at 21-years-old

I was diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) at 21-years-old and needed immediate treatment. After my first week-long induction treatment, I was still riddled with abnormal white blood cells and life -- or death -- got really real, really fast. 

March 10, 2017 | by Ashlinn Sarah Jane

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Survivor tip: Allow yourself an identity that isn't about cancer

This is the thing, when you have cancer – like, when you are stuck with living with cancer, one of the best things possible is to forget about it all together.

March 1, 2017 | by Catherine Brunelle

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