Blog | Facing Cancer Together

Facing Cancer Together offers a safe, confidential place to share your thoughts with a community you can relate to.

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Archive – 2017

My social life: Before and after cancer

My school rallied together and made a banner wishing me all the best and fast healing. People whom I hadn’t even really built a friendship with stepped forward to wish me well. It was overwhelmingly heartwarming to say the least...until it all stopped.

June 29, 2017 | by Adriana Lombardo

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How to make chemo manageable

I've come to realize that chemo would be so extremely different if I wasn't surrounded by the people who constantly make me smile and laugh.

June 29, 2017 | by Lindsey Finkelstein

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Adriana & Emily: Mother-daughter team battling cancer together

After two years of cancer treatment, 20-year-old Adriana and her mom Emily have inspiring positivity, but it took trial, error and time to get here. They share their tips on the caregiver-patient relationship.

June 29, 2017 | by Larissa Cahute

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I ran a half marathon to raise funds for the cancer I was diagnosed with

A little over three years ago I ran a half marathon to raise funds for blood cancer. It was a particularly special event for me as the afternoon before my departure I was given the coordinates of my bone marrow donor.

June 19, 2017 | by Ashlinn Sarah Jane

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When is breast cancer "beaten?"

Determining when breast cancer has been truly beaten is not so simple, and it may depend on a variety of factors.

June 19, 2017 | by Georgia Gables

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The follow-up: It wasn't a relapse afterall

Prior to my hip replacement surgery, I was told I had relapsed and would be needing a bone marrow transplant. My world had changed. I thought I was “free” from all treatment and that I would be able to move forward after my hip replacement.

June 2, 2017 | by Adriana Lombardo

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Cane and pain-free: Adjusting to my new ceramic hip

I have never been so excited for an appointment as I was for this one. This appointment was going to determine whether or not all of my restrictions could get lifted – raised toilet seat, sitting on a wedge cushion, using a cane when I would go out, no bending, no twisting, the fear of sleeping in any other positon than my back...

May 26, 2017 | by Adriana Lombardo

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You're never 'too young' to have cancer

Despite comments that I was 'too young' to have cancer -- which I clearly wasn't considering I was there, recovering from leukemia -- the women were all friendly and kind ...This was just a microcosm of society's general difficulty in dealing with sickness in youth.

May 24, 2017 | by Ashlinn Sarah Jane

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Cook for your LIFE: Recipes and Nutrition for Treatment Side Effects

When I was going through cancer treatment, I found that there were many little things I could do when cooking to reduce my side effects. These recipes have been created with cancer side-effects in mind.

May 17, 2017 | by Cook for Your LIFE

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Handling life when you find out you have breast cancer

While there's no one right path that you can take to live with cancer, there are certainly things you can do to make sure that you are able to handle your life after your diagnosis.

May 16, 2017 | by Georgia Gables

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