Blog | Facing Cancer Together

Facing Cancer Together offers a safe, confidential place to share your thoughts with a community you can relate to.

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Archive – November 2019

When mother and daughter face cancer together

Diagnosed with cancer one month apart from each other, Marie-Paule, and Mélissa find their strength in each other.

Last May, Marie-Paule received her ovarian cancer diagnosis at the age of 64. It came as a shock to the entire family as  she was the first person diagnosed with cancer in her family.

Against all odds, her daughter Mélissa was also diagnosed with cancer only a few weeks later – breast cancer, stage 2. She is 30.

Dec. 13, 2019 | by Marsha Roc-Malychenkova

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Empowered by knowledge and support

“I am not the same young woman I was when I was first diagnosed – I am 100% confident in who I am. But back then, I needed the help.”

This holiday season, you can help women facing cancer, like Yasmin and Eleanor, by making a gift to Look Good Feel Better. Until December 31st, Mary Kay Cosmetics Ltd. will match all donations – doubling the impact of your gift – so that even more women will be empowered through the knowledge and support offered at an LGFB workshop.

Dec. 12, 2019 | by Benita Hensraj

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Know that you are never alone

This May, a year after she first heard the words ‘breast cancer’ from her doctor and underwent a lumpectomy, Laura was devastated to learn that she had been re-diagnosed – stage 4 triple negative.

Her best friend Jess had gone with her to the appointment, which was Laura’s one-year screening.

Dec. 9, 2019 | by Benita Hensraj

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