Blog | Facing Cancer Together

Facing Cancer Together offers a safe, confidential place to share your thoughts with a community you can relate to.

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Articles by Adriana Lombardo

Helping others understand that my 'new normal' is not 'back to normal'

"I'm sure you're happy to get back to feeling normal again since treatment ended."

My last chemotherapy date was January 27th 2017. 3 years ago. Nothing has been "normal" since. I know I am not alone when I say there are many silent and visible effects that come with cancer treatment - no matter how far out you are.

Jan. 20, 2020 | by Adriana Lombardo

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"The first steps to the old me": My first walk post-treatment and what I did to prepare

In my last blog, when I talked about my own recovery and “taking sickness to fitness” post-treatment, I credited my first walk for being the first steps in getting back to the old me. I also shared how scary those first steps can be - I hope that this story inspires someone to have the confidence to take theirs.

May 16, 2019 | by Adriana Lombardo

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How I Overcame Cancer Fatigue

During my two and a half years of weekly chemotherapy, I had no energy. Like I’m sure many of you can relate, getting out of bed was a struggle; the idea of getting dressed made my head hurt. I forced myself to get up, get washed and dressed and move my body to the couch. Although I had been an active person before my diagnosis, the possibility of anything remotely close to exercise felt so far away from me at the time.

March 22, 2019 | by Adriana Lombardo

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"I'm taking sickness to fitness."

Hey! It's been awhile since I've shared with you. I've been ‘busy’ with school, work, and trying to stay on my feet. ‘Busy’. That word has a whole new meaning now that I'm 'back to normal'. I've actually been working on a few things that I feel would be beneficial to share with all of you.

March 12, 2019 | by Adriana Lombardo

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Coming Back to Reality

I find that now, as a “survivor” (I’ll explain the use of quotes later on), I seem to lose touch with reality more often than I’d like to admit. My definition of reality is much different than the average person – reality to me is CANCER.

June 20, 2018 | by Adriana Lombardo

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I Got It from My Mama

With May being the month of celebrating Mothers (although it should be all year round), this blog is dedicated to the woman who held the table I leaned on for me during lumbar punctures; the woman who would run over to me while I threw up even when I wanted her nowhere near me; the woman who knew how not to treat me differently; the woman who kept it all together even when it felt impossible – I am PROUD to call her my Mom.

May 23, 2018 | by Adriana Lombardo

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Survivor’s Guilt Part 2: Learning to Move Forward with My Past

Survivor’s guilt comes with a lot of emotions (as per my last blog). What I’ve learned to do this past month is to feel. Feel every emotion that comes moment-by-moment. It’s not easy because most of the time the feelings are unrecognizable – in the sense that I don’t know why they come when they come. I’m learning to slow down my thoughts so that I am able to recognize what triggers these emotions, if there even are triggers.


April 22, 2018 | by Adriana Lombardo

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Survivor's Guilt: The guilt of letting go after cancer

As sad as this may be, or as weird as it may come across, I miss having cancer. Let me explain...

March 20, 2018 | by Adriana Lombardo

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Why it's important to capture the 'not-so-good' moments

Through my years of treatment, I learned how important it is to capture those “not so good” days.

Feb. 13, 2018 | by Adriana Lombardo

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Life After Leukemia: My struggle with possible infertility

While undergoing treatment, one of my biggest worries was my capability to have children.

Jan. 19, 2018 | by Adriana Lombardo

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