Henna crowns: Embracing the bald


Henna crowns: Embracing the bald

Jan. 21, 2017 | by JC Chessell


Have you ever heard of henna crowns? Google it. You’ll see …

What a concept!!!

I have always associated henna with the big, glamorous Bollywood style weddings and parties and with Indian tradition and culture.

To me, henna was what I would often see on someone’s arm and hand, a temporary tattoo composed of dye.

When I was a kid, I used to use a henna dye to colour my hair because it was known to strengthen my hair and give it a natural colour in shades of red.

Never did I imagine that this very same dye could be used to create a tattoo design for a bald head.

I think it’s brilliant.

Since henna is an all-natural dye derived from a plant, it is safe to be used directly on the scalp, though it’s always best to ask your physician for approval.

Visually, a henna “crown,” as it’s known, makes for a bold statement with designs that are completely individual and fun.

A bit of online research tells me that it was inspired by ancient times in Egypt and the Arabic regions where henna was initially used for cosmetic purposes to decorate or enhance one’s self. 

So, this is certainly a creative way of embracing baldness, if you are bold enough to walk around without any other hair covering.

And why not?!

You may only get the chance this once—make a statement.

Quite frankly, had I known about these henna crowns back then, I would have jumped at the opportunity to do this on my own head.

Mind you, I was headed into the winter months, so not wearing a hat was hardly a choice.

If you DO decide to wear a headpiece, don’t forget that accessories come in real handy.

I certainly recall wearing all kinds of earrings, hair fascinators with my long-haired wig and hats.

Perhaps it’s because I’ve been described as being more ‘funky,’ but I enjoyed being playful with my looks, hair lengths, etc.  

I love how easily accessories and hair can change a look.

And trust me, it’s certainly not for attention but more out of my own need to express.

Speaking of the need to express, there is something else I really wanted to share with you regarding this matter: keeping a journal.

I kept a journal of my thoughts and events as I started my treatment, taking note of all things to do with me: my love life or lack thereof, my struggles with trying to maintain a ‘normal’ outlook on life and even my bigger hurdles that I’ve had to face.

I recall feeling so alienated when I had to attend birthday celebrations and parties, feeling like the odd one out.

Everyone had their lives, their own agendas to look to—and I had mine. Except that mine was not about the next birthday, or the next big job promotion; my life consisted of something entirely different altogether.

I purchased an uber expensive natural hair wig to make it look natural and not give anyone any suspicions as to what I really looked like.

As a girl in her mid-20’s, these are self-conscious matters that I didn’t exactly expect to bother me but they did.

When you are used to looking a certain way and feeling confident about yourself, being stripped of that very thing forces you to understand your body more and rely on your inner strengths far more.

I came to understand that I was much more than what I may have looked like on the outside.

When you are embarking upon a new experience—good or not so good—keep a journal or blog of your thoughts, feelings and hopes. Write down the very things that are at the core of your fears, your anxiety and doubts.

Let it out, like a stream of consciousness.

You are placing your energy into something that does not have to leave the privacy of your room or your computer.

Pour your heart into this and you will find yourself feeling somehow lighter and happier by the end.   

I did not share my journal with family, I just kept it to myself. A memoir of thoughts of a time in my life I could go back to and share with my loved ones, if I decide to.

Or not . 

hair loss Advice Identity side effects Beauty

JC Chessell

My Affected Side

Diagnosed with breast cancer at 33, my world changed in an instant. My Affected Side is a ride-along of my journey through treatment and beyond. You’ll hear from family, friends and colleagues, because cancer treatment isn’t a one-man-show. Hard times, treatments that made me wonder if it was all worth it and life-altering decisions that I was not equipped to make. My diagnosis signaled the first day of the rest of my life. A life I fought for, a future I now cherish. Welcome to my journey.
