Heritage Hero: Quebec oncology nurse Do…


Heritage Hero: Quebec oncology nurse Dominique Roy

Oct. 5, 2017 | by Larissa Cahute

In celebration of Look Good Feel Better’s 25th year in Canada, we’ve named 25 Heritage Heroes who have either helped the charity make it to 25 inspiring years of helping women and teens with cancer feel like themselves again, or currently play an important role and provide a powerful voice to keep the program alive for years to come.

Each of our 25 Heritage Heroes – one for each year of our program – exemplifies the very essence of Look Good Feel Better’s mission to empower and support women with cancer.


Although she retired as an oncology nurse last month, Quebec’s Dominique Roy continues to promote Look Good Feel Better to patients and oncology professionals alike.

Originally a nurse in obstetrics at Hôtel-Dieu de Lévis, Roy made the switch to oncology in 2002, which is when she learned about Look Good Feel Better.

“I quickly realized that this program was there to do good things and I was immediately pleased,” she said. Each month, my favorite moment is at the end of a workshop, it rejoices me to look at all these women leaving with a smile on their faces, happy about themselves, happy because they look better, because they’ve just been valued and they recognize who they are.”

Today, she couldn’t imagine her 15 years as an oncology nurse without the program.

“The years go by, but I would not do without LGFB,” she said, adding that she’s also recommended the program to friends and family.

While women often thank Roy for the referral, she particularly remembers when the spouse of one woman, who was reluctant to attend, came to see her after the workshop.

He told her the session “helped his wife regain her self-esteem and her beautiful smile.”

Now retired, Roy continues to promote the program by organizing education sessions to help raise awareness of the program among nurses and doctors, so they can continue to recommend the program –  just as she did.

Heritage Heroes

Larissa Cahute

Look Good Feel Better

I’m a Communication Associate with Look Good Feel Better. As a former journalist, I believe that everyone has a story worth telling – and that’s what I’m here for: to share the inspiring stories of those I meet through LGFB.
