Making time for yourself


Making time for yourself

Oct. 19, 2018 | by Marsha Roc-Malychenkova


Like many women, Jutta has always loved putting on makeup everyday, but after undergoing chemo treatment, it almost became a challenge.

Jutta is a breast cancer warrior, as she likes to call herself. Still undergoing treatment today, she hopes to officially call herself a cancer survivor soon.

When diagnosed in November 2017, she was shocked and upset, to say the least. She first thought about her children, and then wondered if she would be losing her hair.

She experienced the side effects of cancer treatment, both physical and emotional, early on in her treatment. “You start losing your sense of self in a way, because of all of these physical changes that are imposed on you, “she says “I wanted to still look like myself as much as possible and minimize these effects on my appearance”.

The Look Good Feel Better program really helped her with this.

“I really started to use the tools and techniques I learned after my eyelashes fell out,” she remembers, “my eyeliner suddenly became my best friend”, she adds, laughing. She challenged herself every single day to do her makeup and apply these tricks. "It just made me feel better, I just wanted to feel better."

Not only it was important for her but also for her family.

As a mother of two young boys, she also knew she would have to explain to them what the physical side effects of cancer were going to be. But being able to have some sense of control by using makeup and different hair alternatives made it more manageable – although still very difficult – for them to understand and accept. “I didn’t want to look sick and be scary for my kids”, she recalls.

While her husband, sons, and friends were amazingly supportive and helpful during this period, she was really excited to connect with other women undergoing the same experience at the workshop. “It was nice to have people who would understand what the medicines are, what the side effects are, and the fears I was actually going through”, says Jutta.

She met two women who have become dear friends and a great support system to this date. “I really hit it off with the ladies sitting next to me, we had a great time and some good laughs”, she remembers.

Grateful for the positive experience and for meeting inspiring women, Jutta wants every woman facing cancer to know that support programs like Look Good Feel Better exists. “I wholeheartedly believe that if you make time for yourself and take time to look better, you will feel better. It just inwardly makes you feel better, and it will help you face challenges.”, she assures.

Today, she shares her story to help spread the word about Look Good Feel Better.

