For My Mother, Sonia


For My Mother, Sonia

July 8, 2021 | by Rebeca Zavaleta

My experience is that of a caretaker for my mother Sonia, who battled lung cancer for 2 years. I moved to Canada when I was 18 and 5 months pregnant, I was a single mother, so my mom was my entire support system.  She taught me to be brave, to put myself first and to be the best example to my daughter. I cleaned houses, put myself through school and accomplished a career.  My daughter is now 21 and in her 3rd year of university. We are strong because of her. We are her legacy.

My mom’s diagnosis was the hardest time in my life. Having said that, it gave me a chance to have so many conversations with her, care for her and be part of the journey.

Somebody at one of the hospitals put her in touch with LGFB. I remember how difficult it was for my mother to deal with the physical and mental pain from it all. But I will never forget seeing her come in with a smile on her face and a bag of goodies clutched to her chest like a child with a new toy. I am crying as I write this because I cannot stress enough what a happy day it was to her. I will never forget trying to hold back the tears as I looked at her while she was telling me everything she learned and smelling and touching every product while looking at herself in the mirror and SMILING.  For that, I will forever be thankful.

I hope this helps feel someone less alone as we all know, cancer not only affects an individual, but also their families, friends and circle so let's keep supporting and recommending this great program because for me as a caretaker, seeing her face light up and having not only confidence but support, made a world of a difference.

Once again, thank you for taking the time to read my story and, Mami, this is for you and your legacy. My love for you is immeasurable.
